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WandaVision Episode 6 Review – Things get creepier.

WandaVision Episode 6 Review

Welcome back to another series of WandaVision sitcom thrills. Until episode 5, we saw Wanda’s darker side while Vision seems to look for answers. The escalating sense of urgency and a developing plot left another trail of questions. The sitcom homage continued to be thrilling with a parallel storyline of SWORD. Besides this perplexed plot of the series, we saw Monica Rambeau’s character taking the lead with Jimmy Woo and Darcy. At the same time, Peter Cameron with Chuck Hayward keeps us surprising. Episode 6 is no less than another mystery that needs some research. While we break Episode-4 for you, this might contain some minor spoilers ahead.

WandaVision Balances MCU Drama and Comedy in the First Half

So, what happened in Episode 6? We saw Vision getting curious to know what’s outside the Westview. While the Halloween spooky-themed episode 6 brings forth Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) and Vision (Paul Bettany) in their comic accurate outfit.  Tommy and Billy seem to be enjoying around Westview with Uncle Pietro. The trends seem to continue revolving all-around SWORD and Westview. With Episode 6, the first play out to be the earlier episodes of sitcom homage and fun-filled with comedy.  However, the episode further progresses to maintain the MCU drama and comedy balance.


Did Wanda Create Pietro?

Image result for WandaVision episode 6

Episode six shows Evan Peters being a mainstay in the storyline of WandaVision. Besides Evan Peter’s arrival in Episode 5, one thing is sure, and that’s Wanda doesn’t create Pietro. With Pietro’s insolent portrayal in the episode, the script seems to embrace two entirely different universes’ characters. While uncle Pietro seems to be good with children. With Billy and Tommy’s growing powers, the script seems to get closer to the comics. In particular, Tommy in the Wiccan Halloween costume while Billy dresses exactly like Quicksilver.

Is Westview Created by Wanda? or Does Someone Else Pull the Strings?

Meanwhile, we see Wanda having an all heart conversation with Pietro. Following the developments in the show, the secrets aren’t coming out soon. Wanda telling Pietro that she doesn’t know how she created Westview leaves another mystery to solve. All she knows is an “endless nothingness,” and that’s when Tommy comes around running to Wanda.  As to the death of Vision, we see the synthezoid Vision trying to unravel the truth. While Vision reaches the end of Westview, he meets Agnes, where she tells him that he’s dead.

While Wanda’s Portrayal remains deterrent and aggressive, we see Vision having compassion and asks SWORD for help. As tragic and serious as it is, Wanda extends the hex to save vision from decaying. While the next episode comes out, until then, we can make use of some comic review. Episode 6 is more confusing and made us think whether Wanda created Westview or Is it someone else pulling Wanda’s String?

What did you think of this week’s episode of WandaVision from Disney+?

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