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WandaVision – Plot Theories and Easter Eggs

Wanda Vision Theories and Easter Eggs

WandaVision is making a mysterious transition from sitcom homage to the cornerstone of the MCU future. Since January 15th release, we saw Evan Peter’s resurrection and Tommy and Billy quickly growing their powers. While Vision’s death remains a mystery as vision corpse was stolen or rescued by Wanda. SWORD’s existence in WandaVision seems shady as Director Hayward has a clear focus on getting rid of Wanda. Theories suggest that SWORD might be experimenting with Vision. To this point, we can call it a favorable action that Wanda took. Besides, this laundry list of confusions. Some of the post-credits animated scenes have hinted at a bigger secret in the series.

Is Wanda Against Everyone?

Following fan theories and some quick history checks on Marvel Comics helped us discover more about the secrets. Why is SWORD after Wanda, or is it Director Hayward’s own intentions to kill Wanda? Tylor Hayward seems agitated and determined by the thought to hunt down Wanda. During the rundown on Wanda by Jimmy Woo, who seems to be sympathetic to Wanda? Tyler Hayward quickly contradicts Jimmy’s view, which pushes Wanda’s idea to seem no more than a terrorist to SWORD. Besides Tyler Hayward’s own view, Wanda doesn’t seem to stand against all of the SWORD.


Who’s Tyler Hayward?

While the superpower beings remain in the rife of seen as terrorists more than heroes, Tyler Hayward’s prejudiced views hide more than his own intentions behinds this mission. In episode 5, we see the monitor’s playback of how Wanda stormed the SWORD facility and took Vision. While Wanda enters what looks like a high-tech testing lab seems to be meddling with Vision’s corpse. Vision is seemingly dissected and connected to a different machine, clearly indicating the SWORD’s secret nefarious intentions. Speculations have it that an extraterrestrial being might control Tyler Hayward, supposedly Mephisto. However, the animated post-credit scenes hinted at Easter Eggs that might hold the secret villain’s identities.

How WandaVision Connects MCU Future

This brings us to two close possible comic-associated theories. Whether SWORD is after creating their own metahuman Ultron like machine man, this might lead to the rumors of Wonder Man’s eventual introduction to the universe. Using Vision’s power and adaptability to create Marvel’s own sentinel program to confront superhumans. However, what SWORD has been doing stands against their mission. These easter eggs and hidden means have a lot more to tell about the future of Marvel’s Phase 4. Keep coming back to have the next mysteries of WandaVision unearthed.

What do you think of WandaVision on Disney+ so far?

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