SciFi Monkeys

It's Space Bananas!

The newest trailer for Rupture…you may not be ready for it.


A new trailer has been released for AMBI Media Group‘s new film Rupture. Check out the video and a slew of images below…if you dare. The trailer will definitely have you thinking twice about getting help when you break down on the side of the road.

Synopsis: Rupture follows Renee Morgan (Noomi Rapace), a single mom, who is deathly terrified of spiders.  While in route to meet up with a friend, she is violently abducted by a group of strangers.  After enduring intense yet strange questioning and examinations, some about her fear of spiders, Renee soon discovers that she is now the subject of an underground experiment.  Her captors explain to her that she has a genetic abnormality that can potentially allow her to “rupture” and reveal her alien nature.  Renee must find a way to escape before it is too late.


The film was directed by Steven Shainberg who also co-wrote the movie with Brian Nelson. Starring in Rupture is Noomi Rapace, Peter Stormare, Kerry Bishe and Michael Chiklis.

Rupture is set to release the film on DirecTV March 30th,2017 , and in theaters, VOD and Digital HD on April 28th, 2017. Which option will you be seeing the film in?

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